Read all about it, Hyrum is potty trained and we want to shout it!! Horray! Words can not express how excited we are for Hyrum to be potty trained. He actually has been potty trained for a few weeks now and he has done fantastic! We are so proud of him!
He likes to make sure that when he looks at something, read stories, etc. that there is a daddy, mommy and a baby. In fact, when he goes to the potty he names them a daddy, a mommy and a baby based on the size.
More about Handsome Hyrum:
He loves to do puzzles
He loves to read books; especially about Fish, Sharks, and Cars,
He loves to play with his cars
He loves to count. He can identify two letters A and H. We are working on the rest. However, he does know how to cheer for the Cougars. He says "B. Y. U. Cougars! Roar!" He also knows how to spell his name "H-y-r-u-m."
He loves to run and dance
He loves to sing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, Popcorn Popping, and I am a Child of God
He loves to tell us "Not today" if he doesn't want to do something
He loves checking the mail box to see if he got something in the mail
He loves to wrestle with dad
He loves marhmellows and candy corn
He loves to say prayers; especially by himself. If I try to help him I usually get a, "shh! My turn!" Also during his prayers he likes to make sure everything and everyone is said and if we leave something out we have to say another prayer.
He is such a sweetheart who loves to have his picture taken and we love him!
Wow!! Way to go, Hyrum! That's pretty impressive! Can you come teach my 2yo to use the potty? Thanks!
They grow up SO fast!! Potty trained children are the best!
And after you're done with Laura, stop by my house and teach my almost 3 year old.
I looove that pic of Brandon and Hyrum. It is soooo cute!
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