After Brandon being in school for a year, he has developed a small paranoia about our children's eyes. For Easter we got Hyrum some sunglasses. He has loved them. We ended up getting Ben and Emily some sunglasses too. They are so funny in them. They just laugh and laugh when they wear their sunglasses thinking they are so funny and cool.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Cool Shades!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Mr. Boo
Our little Ben is growing up so fast. He is so full of curiosity and mischief. Ben is very aware of his surroundings. He loves to watch things move and function. For a couple of months now he jabbers to me all the many things he sees outside. For awhile, I thought he kept saying tree over and over. I soon came to realize that he was saying see, see! He loves to show me the many things he sees outside. He loves to walk around holding one of my fingers and explore his surroundings.
Ben loves animals especially dogs and horses. He makes the cutest little noises when you ask him what a dog or horse says.
Ben also loves cars and trains. He loves to copy and play cars with Hyrum. For the most part, Hyrum lets him play right beside him. Ben also makes cute noises when he plays with the cars and trains.
Ben loves balls, and has a great arm on him.
Ben is a fish when it comes to water and can't ever get enough of it. He loves to dip his face in the water and blow bubbles. After he blows bubbles, he lifts his head up and just laughs and laughs.
He still is a huge climber. The stairs are not a challenge any more. He has no fear!
Before we left on our trip, I made some banana bread. As I walked by, I noticed a little bite in the bread. At first I thought it was Hyrum sneaking a bite, but I soon came to realize that it was Ben climbing on a stool then standing on his tip toes to sneak a bite.We love our Ben! He has such a sweet, special, fun spirit! We are so lucky to have him in our family!
Labels: Ben
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Hold Me Close
We have been having a great time on our vacation. Hyrum was so cute out on my parents basketball court. He would try to dribble the ball a few times and then try to take a shot. It was so cute. He has loved balls ever since he was only a few months old. It seems only natural now that he would love to play the different sports associated with each ball.
He is still in love with soccer. Today we went to more of Camille's soccer games. During one of her games he saw some kids playing soccer and instantly wanted to be over there with the kids playing soccer. He still talks about his soccer team almost every day.
Although our vacation has been great, I think we are getting a little homesick. The other night, while I was snuggling with Hyrum before bed, I got up to leave and he asked me to "hold him close." I had no problem filling that request. Hyrum is always telling me that he misses his daddy and that he wants to go back home to see him.
Labels: Hyrum
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Vacation and our Heart Breaker
Our family has been on vacation the past little bit. On the 21st of June we went to Dallas, Texas for a week to visit with Brandon's family. Also, my beautiful cousin Kaetlin was getting married during that week so we thought it would be a perfect time for a visit.
On the 29th of June I flew with my mom and my kids to Utah for a visit. We will be in Utah for most of July. Brandon, however had to return to Memphis for work.
Although most of my blog entries won't be until after I return home from Utah, I wanted to take time to post about Miss Emmy.
We were at my sister's indoor soccer game on Tuesday. There were many running around having a blast. Of course, my kids were in the mix (while I was staying close by). I noticed that a particular blond haired 3 year old boy was staying pretty close to Emmy and trying to hold her hand and help her walk everywhere and talking to her.
After a few minutes the little boy came up to me and said, " I just love her." This little boy continued to follow her around everywhere. Emmy would follow along and bat her eyes and try not to smile. You could tell she was enjoying the attention. The little boy came up to me a little later and said ," she is talking to me." It was so cute!
What can I say? Emmy, in my opinion, is an adorable little girl who at the age of 20 months already knows how to flirt.
Labels: Emily, Family Fun