Thursday, June 19, 2008

Swimming in the Pool

We were fortunate enough to inherit one of our friend's swimming pool before they moved away. It has been a big hit around here. The kids love swimming in the pool!

This is what happened when I went to put Hyrum's balloon back in the house that Ben carried out. I knew I needed to take it back in the house or Hyrum would be devastated if it blew away. I was only gone at most 5 seconds. Good thing the pool didn't have very much water.

For the most part, all of three kids love the pool. They are BIG water fans! Emmy is usually the first to get out the pool. I attribute it to the fact that her brothers get a little wild playing in the water. Also, she is so skinny. Don't let her little pot belly fool you. Emmy doesn't have any meat on her to keep her warm once getting in the water. After she is finished swimming, she loves getting wrapped in her towel and watching the boys play.I think my boys are the happiest when they are in water. Ben and I fight every day over the fact that he can not play with the water in the toilet. Like at the sprinkler park, they love to explore the water with various toys. They will play for hours out in the pool!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

I just wanted to take a moment to wish Brandon, my dad, my father-in-law and our grandpas a Happy Father's Day. We have been blessed to have such great father's in our lives.

Brandon is truly an amazing daddy! They love him so much and are always so excited to see him. The kids love when Brandon wrestles with them and reads them books. According to the kids (and mom) daddy fixes everything. He also knows how to kill bugs and spiders the best!The picture was taken right as the babies saw Brandon come home after a LONG day at school.
We love our daddy!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Sprinkler Park

Last Tuesday some ladies in my ward and I went to the "Sprinkler Park." It is a park about a half-hour away with many different sprinklers to play in.
Hyrum was in heaven! He loved playing with all of his friends from the ward.

Ben also absolutely loved playing in the sprinklers.

Emmy on the other hand, was content for the most part to watch from the distance. At least she looked cute in her swimsuit.Our trip to the park was cut short, due to the fact that I left our cooler with our lunch in it on the counter at home. Also it was nap time. I wasn't able to take too many pictures since I was trying to keep a close eye on the kids; especially Ben since he was constantly heading towards the HUGE mud puddle close by.

We had so much fun at the park we decided we would go back on Friday when Brandon was off of work.

At the park, their are drains that squirt up water. Sometimes they are large amounts of water and sometimes there is just a little amount of water that squirts out. The boys loved any water that would come out. Emmy preferred when there was just a little amount of water coming out.

It was interesting and enjoyable to to watch the kids as the played with the sprinklers. They would explore various strategies of how to put their cup (or mouth and hands) in the right spot to catch the water.

Emmy explored the sprinklers more the second visit. Maybe having her daddy there made the difference.
My boys are fishes! They loved every minute and couldn't get enough. Hyrum would run everywhere. Not wanting to miss out on anything.

Ben loved everything! He would run through all the sprinklers with a huge grin. He had no fear! You could almost always find him in a large group of big kids waiting for the sprinklers to turn back on or standing beneath the large snake with a HUGE gush of water coming out.We had such a great time as a family. The kids love playing with their dad.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

First Father and Sons

Hyrum and I went to our first Father and Son's camp-out a few weeks ago. We arrived after dark due to some other obligations we had during the day and found a spot to park our car near a few of our friends. Hyrum saw the fire and everyone preparing smores and you could tell that his eyes were just glowing with excitement. Because it was so late, we made smores and then ended up going to bed. We decided to rough it and blow up our queen size mattress and put it in the back of our van (quite possibly the most comfortable camp out I have ever been on).

Most of the activities took place that next day. We joined the stake for breakfast and then went and played out near the lake. One of our ward friends brought a canoe and was so kind in taking Hyrum and I out for a spin around the lake. I thought he might be a little afraid but he loved it. He kept looking for fish to jump out of the water but had no luck.

After getting back, I took off his shoes and he enjoyed playing with all the big kids on the shore. It was a fun experience for me to spend time with Hyrum and I know that he had a blast.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Two Peas in a Pod!

I have loved being able to watch Emmy and Ben interact as they have been growing-up. A little while ago if you would have asked me if they had a twin bond I would have said no. However, recently they have proved me wrong.

After Emmy gets out of the tub and I wrap her with her towel, she finds Ben's towel and takes it to him. The same thing happens with her bib. When Emmy is ready to eat she finds her pink bib and brings it to me and finds Ben's bib for me to put on him. Also, they are really good about sharing their treats and drinks with each other.

At doctor visits they both are very emotional. They will cry harder when the other one is being weighed, examined then when they are being examined. Also, when one is crying because they got in trouble or hurt the other will start whimpering along with them.

One day recently the babies' therapist asked Ben where Emmy was. Ben got so excited and ran to find Emmy. Emmy and Ben were both squealing when he found her. Emmy then proceeded to get out from under the table. After she got out, the both gave each other hugs and kisses.

During one of Hyrum's soccer games, I left Ben home with Brandon and took Emmy to the soccer game. After we came home, Ben was so excited to see Emmy he gave her a big hug and kiss. Also, for the next few minutes he proceeded to follow her around giving loves.

The really enjoy getting into mischief together. The other day, Emmy had our plug to our tub in her hand. She said some jabber to Ben, he responded back in jabber. Then Emmy gave to Bent the plug to the tub. Ben then took the plug and marched off to the toilet. Luckily, I had been watching this exchange and caught him just before he put the plug down the toilet. It makes you wonder what they were talking about.

They love to hold hands and giggle in the car. It is so cute! On the way to a doctors appointment they were holding hands. They were most likely holding hands for moral support.

Even though they fight sometimes together. You can really tell that they love the other one and worry about them. It has been a blessing having twins and love them very much. We are so happy to have them in our lives.

The picture below was taken as they first saw their daddy come home from school. Once again, you double click on the pages to make them bigger.