The Sunday before the 4th of July we took off on a trip for a couple days to beautiful Colorado. We went to Grand Junction and spent sometime with my Grandma and Granpda Nelson and a few of my mom's brother and sisters.
We also went to Olathe and Montrose and spent some time Brandon's grandpa and uncle on his mom's side and his uncle's family. We went out to lunch and visited with everyone.
The babies loved being held and loved by everyone. My grandma really enjoyed holding them as well.
Hyrum really enjoyed his cool shaker car (you shake it and it goes) that he got from Grandma and Grandpa Nelson. He also loved the train calendar that he got from Brandon's Grandpa and sitting on Grandpa's lap. Hyrum also enjoyed taking Sophie, grandma's dog, for a walk and also swimming in the pool at the hotel. Hyrum also loved riding in the elevator.
We had so much fun and really enjoyed ourselves. We were so glad that we were able to take this trip before we head out east!
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Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Colorado Trip!
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Family Photos!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Handsome Hyrum!
It has almost been a year...
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
What a beautiful day!
What a cute family!
The Princess
The Family
The two lovebirds!
What a silly monkey!
The Natalies
Brandon's parents
Ben and Grandma
Grandpa and Emmy
Afterwards, we enjoyed a nice luncheon at a near by park with family. It was a very special day!
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Happy Fourth of July!!
Happy 4th of July everyone! We had a great 4th of July. To start the morning off we went to the Freedom Feastivle Parade in Provo. We watched the parade with our friends Willow and Josh, Matt and Mia and Lucy. We had so much fun! Hyrum really loved the Jesus coin he got from the missionaries that came to Utah to save us. He also loved the big balloons; especially Bob the Builder one, the fire trucks and police cars, all the horses and the bands.
The babies lasted for awhile, but ended up falling asleep. Emily even slept through the cannons at the end.
Later, Brandon, my dad and I went to see the movie Oceans 13. We really enjoyed it. It was nice to get out of the house without the kids.
We then had a BBQ at my parents house and went over to the Larsen's later for ice cream and fireworks. Hyrum loved the sparklers until he got a little burn on his finger. Daddy took the brunt of the burn and got a much larger burn then Hyrum did.
Hyrum found a little friend during the fireworks named CJ. They were so cute together. As they watched the fireworks they sat side by side and clapped after every single fireworks. That last for the first 20 or so then they ran around chasing each other.
It was busy day and we had a blast!