We had a great 4th. The Provo parade was our first stop. Hyrum was mesmorized by the cool trucks, which by the way is his favorite word. People started saving spots and camping in thier spots on Saturday (the parade was the following Tues). Crazy! We stood for a few minutes until some of our friends from church gave us a few seats.
After the parade, we went to Grandma and Grandpa Brodericks house where all of the Broderick families gathered to play games and eat. Hyrum of course loved having all of the kids there. He went "treasure fishing" for his first time and got a stuffed elephant hand puppet. Of course, he called it "oakie". He also had the chance to hold his first sparkler, which was a very scary experience. He would run around trying to poke people in the bum with the live sparkler. I had to follow him step by step to make sure everyone stayed burn free. We had a great time.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Fourth of July
1:20 PM