As most of you know, Hyrum has a fascination for shoes. In fact, shoes was one of his first words. The first thing he does in the morning, (besides asking for Nemo) is to search for shoes. If he finds mine, he has to put them on me.
Well, Hyrum got new shoes this weekend, thanks to Grandma B. One pair have Nemo on them. Not only do the shoes have Nemo on them, they actually light up when he walks. Hyrum spent yesterday walking funny in his new shoes in an atempt to see the lights. He also got new church shoes. We took the shoes off today before Hyrum took his nap. The first thing he wanted when he woke up was his shoes on. Check out this picture!
Sunday, July 23, 2006
New Shoes!
Friday, July 21, 2006
The Babies
Hi Everyone,
Well, we just got back from the Dr. appointment a few days ago and it looks like we are having a boy and a girl. We couldnt be more excited. They were both measuring well in all of the categories, weight, heart rate and blood flow, etc. No problems. Now we can start preparing for their arrival. Natalie is doing really well. She is still sick in the morning but we cant complain. Hope all is well for everyone.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Sorry, for some reason, my settings didnt allow comments for the previous pictures, but I have changed it for this one and the rest of our posts.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Finding Nemo Fan
What has he turned into? Hyrum has discovered Finding Nemo and cant let go. This morning, after we got him out of bed, he ran into the living room, grabbed the cd case and said "Nemo?". Look at this picture. I came home one day and he was watching it. He looks so content and focused, as if he is watching a documentary on physics and it's real world applications.
2:01 PM
Hyrum and Caleb
Hyrum's best bud just moved away last week. They are going to graduate school in Kentucky. While they were packing the truck, Caleb came over for one last outing. They played in the sprinklers, rode a bike, watched Finding Nemo and ate sand. Well, Hyrum ate the sand. He looks a bit like Hitler in this one. We will miss Caleb.
1:53 PM
Fourth of July
We had a great 4th. The Provo parade was our first stop. Hyrum was mesmorized by the cool trucks, which by the way is his favorite word. People started saving spots and camping in thier spots on Saturday (the parade was the following Tues). Crazy! We stood for a few minutes until some of our friends from church gave us a few seats.
After the parade, we went to Grandma and Grandpa Brodericks house where all of the Broderick families gathered to play games and eat. Hyrum of course loved having all of the kids there. He went "treasure fishing" for his first time and got a stuffed elephant hand puppet. Of course, he called it "oakie". He also had the chance to hold his first sparkler, which was a very scary experience. He would run around trying to poke people in the bum with the live sparkler. I had to follow him step by step to make sure everyone stayed burn free. We had a great time.
1:20 PM
Our Camping Trip
We decided a few weeks ago to take a camping trip. Natalie was feeling good enough and I needed to get out of the house. We went to Hobble Creek Canyon and found the perfect site. It had lots of room and the creek was five feet from the campsite. It was so nice to listen to the running water and relax...except when Hyrum tried to jump in. He was really good about the fire and the creek. He knew the fire was an "owie" so he stayed away most of the time. We also had a raccoon try to steal our food while we were roasting mallows. Those animals have no fear. This was a needed vacation.
1:10 PM
Labels: Brandon, Family Fun, Hyrum, Natalie
Friday, July 07, 2006
Baby Movie
We thought everyone would get a kick out of this movie. Enjoy.
5:48 PM