Sunday, February 08, 2009


I am loving my kids' creativity. It seems as if recently their creativity skills have exploded. They always amaze me (in good and bad ways) about the activities that they decide to do.

On the 30th of January, I had our kitchen chairs on the carpet while I was cleaning the kitchen floor. The kids decided to play doctor. Each child took a turn being the doctor and the patient. The patient laid down on the chairs with their blanket draped over them. While the doctors poked and prodded and told the patient was was wrong with them. Well, Hyrum you could actually understand and Ben and Emmy just jabbered. Below is a picture of doctor Hyrum and patient Emmy.Patient Ben
Waiting patiently while doctors
Emmy and Hyrum discuss treatment

It was so cute to hear and watch them use their imagination and play together. I was too busy cleaning to realize what was going on and Brandon yelled for me to get the camera (that is why we mostly have pictures of Ben being the patient). All three little monkeys seemed to enjoy themselves. It is wonderful when all three play together so nicely. Too bad they are not this happy when they go to their own doctor.


Ashlee said...

that is so sweet! I can't wait for Tyler and Ben to play like that! Such cute kids!

Jill Revell said...

that cracks me up! i love their little imaginations, it is so funny to see what they come up with.

salem said...

I told grandma all about this over the phone last night. It really tickled her!

mamasteph said...

So cute! Great imaginations! I love the picture of Hyrum and emmy "discussing" treatment options!