Monday, September 22, 2008


This past weekend was Brandon's school homecoming week. Once again, the school threw a great party. She really wasn't sad, she gave a huge big smile after I took the picture. I think she was trying to tease us.

Dinner was great. They had BBQ Sandwiches. The South definitely knows how to do BBQ! It was delicious.

Mommy and Emmy doing silly facesAt the party, they had a big blow-up house for the kids to jump in. Hyrum has always been a big fan of those. He was having way too much fun to stop for a picture.
Ben and Emmy were dying to get into the blow-up house. We would put them down for just a second and they would run as fast as their little legs could carry them to the jump house. At first, we weren't going to let the Ben and Emmy go in the blow-up house since there were some older children jumping in there. However, after those kids left we decided to let Ben and Emmy hop on in. They were in heaven! Yes, they did bump into people a few times, but they were having too much fun to really notice.

Also at the party they brought back the balloon man from last year. The kids thought it was so awesome to get their balloons. While we were in line Emmy got scared of the pump the man used to blow-up his balloons. Brandon had to take her somewhere else while I stayed in line with the boys to get our balloons.

Hyrum decided that he wanted a black dragon. He thought the end result was awesome!

Ben was so opposite of Emmy. He was trying so hard to wait patiently for the anticipated balloon creation. He would hold still for a few minutes and then run a few circles around the man and then wait again. I told the balloon man that Ben would love a horse and he did.

The man was nice enough to make a balloon animal for Emmy even though she didn't wait in line the whole time. The man was nice enough to oblige He made her a duck.

All three loved their animals and have since been mad and disappointed when their animals deflated or popped a few days later.After jumping around for awhile we went to check out what else they had for excitement at the party.

We met up with another student and his family at the party. Hyrum and their daughter Katie were cute together. Once they decided that they were going to joust with each other they held hands for a good five minutes.
Hyrum and I had such a great time jousting with Katie and her mom. Hyrum was laughing the whole time. The stool they have you stand on shakes so it is really hard to keep your balance.. After the kids went, Julie and I decided to have a turn. We had a blast. I was laughing so hard it was difficult to focus on jousting and trying to keep from falling off.

We had a great time and really enjoyed ourselves.


Liz said...

That looks like so much fun! Those little bouncing house things are so cool for little kids--Anna loves them too. Oh, and I have to agree with you about the South hand barbecue--you can't beat it!

mamasteph said...

How fun! It looks like you all had a fantastic time!

Whitney said...

how strange that I found you on my friend Bonnie's blog! how do you know her? that's funny!- small world.

Bonnie said...

It looks like you guys had so much fun, cute pictures! And I guess you met my friend Whitney that just moved to Memphis, that's so cool! We'll have to come out to your side of TN sometime and we can see all you guys!