Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Happy New Year!

For New Year's we went to my Aunt Mindy's house. There we celebrated with family the year of the Rat. We read different books about rats, guessed the word for 2007 the word was (w00t), wrote down the big events for the past year, made goals, had delicious food and much more. We had such a great time with our family.
Hyrum and his 'Rat' whiskers

The princess didn't like the idea of having whiskers,
so she only has them on one cheek.
All the kids took a turn reading part of the 'rat' story. Hyrum sat up on the stool by me while we did his turn of reading part of the story.
Hyrum singing with "Calman"

After the party, we went back to my parents house and enjoyed a night of playing games and laughter with our good friends the Ames. The picture below is the one that was taken when we went to their house a few days after New Years. They are great friends and we miss them!

1 comment:

brianames139 said...

We miss you guys!! We're really hoping our summer road trip works out so we can come visit. Hope everything is going well.